Friday, June 5, 2009

BUZ--Richard Egielski

I love this book! Buz, a bug, gets swallowed with breakfast one morning. As he tries to find his way out he ends up behind the eyes, and later hides as two Keystone Cop like pills try to find him. Only saved by the rising waters of the bathtub, he floats out of an ear, and worse yet, the poor little guy ends up with germ.

A class of Head Start students loved this book too! They demanded this book over and over again, and wisely I carried it with me. Over a period of eight weeks every time I came to read they demanded that I read this book first. Normally at Head Start we shared two or three books at most, but when Buz became a favorite suddenly we were sharing four books a session with students often asking if I could stay and read more. Now that's a testimonial you can trust.

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